A Word From the Pastor
Rev. L. David Mortenson, Senior Pastor

A Word From the Pastor

"Shanah tovah" Happy New Year in Hebrew. Or Frohes Neues Jahr, Happy New Year in German. Or from another of my ancestral homes, Gott nytt ar, from Sweden, or bliadhna
Mhath Ur, from Scotland. No matter how you say it, HAPPY NEW YEAR. I pray your 2025 is a great and wonderful year.

A little perspective on 2024. At the beginning, Carrie asked the church to match it's 2023 mission giving for the church property of $50,000 with $50,000 toward missions. In looking over the numbers for 2024, both financial giving, donations for different fundraisers, our new mission The Table and ALL of the events the Holden UMC is involved in, I can proudly announce that we not only matched the $50,000 from 2023, but we surpassed it, raising over $58,000 for the mission of the church, which is to be the hands and feet of God here in our community.

This church is amazing. When a need arises in our community, you step up and take on the mission. But we can do more. There is such a great need in our community. We cannot stop. We have to keep going. Keep doing the work of God, however we can. We need to continue to get the word out about The Table. Letting those who are in need of a meal, or in need of fellowship, or in need to some time out of the elements, know about our twice a month Dinner Church, on the first and third Mondays at 6:00pm.

Continuing to volunteer for the other missions in town. Baby Grace, the HAMA Food Pantry, Harvester's food drop, or whatever the mission is in town. I also want to remind everyone that if you have a mission that is tugging on your heart, come talk to me. Let's see if we can get it going. There is an outside person working on starting an addiction assistance program in the next few weeks, coinciding with The Table.

Let's make 2025 another big year in which we make God's mission her in our community a priority. God Bless you and God Bless this church.

Pastor David