A Word From the Pastor
Rev. L. David Mortenson, Senior Pastor

A Word From the Pastor

Here we are, coming to the end of another year. And what a year. We started 2024 by looking at the fundraising that had gone on to enhance our building and parking area. Then, Carrie challenged us to raise the same amount for missions in 2024. What a year. We started a new mission of feeding those who are in need of food or fellowship, The Table. We had Chester and his group, the Metro Men's Choir come and sing to raise funds for the Food Pantry. The Souper Bowl, the rummage sale, school supplies drive, plus volunteer hours for Harvester, The Food Pantry, The Senior Center, Baby Grace and so many other opportunities. As of December 1st , we are just $5,000.00 from our goal. With the Reverse Advent Calendar and adopt a family and other missions going on, I know we will no doubt reach our goal, if not surpass it.

Looking back on 2024, I sit here with a smile on my face, thinking of this church and what you mean to me and more importantly, what you mean to this community. The community and surrounding areas are closer to God, because of this church. There is a giving heart that beats in this church. The next few weeks are a time to prepare for the birth of our Savior. But also a time to reflect, ponder, think back on the last 12 months and look at what we accomplished, but also look at what is left to do.

Take time out over the hustle and bustle of the Christmas Season and stop, sit, take slow breaths. Take time for yourself and God. Let Him talk to you about all that you have done, and all that He has for you to do. This part of the year, many are overwhelmed. Thinking they have so much to do. Just do what God asks, and everything will fall into place.

God bless and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Pastor David